How to plan before you plan to write.. Huh?

Accepting you have a problem is the first step to finding the solution right?

Okay, that’s good.

My name is Fatima and I am a planner.

How much research is too much research? How much planning is too much planning? How do you know when your idea’s are formed enough for you to start writing? Does too much planning over-complicate the process?

After researching what other authors went through (yes I see the irony of researching what it means to research too much) I realize it’s a trap lots of writers get caught in.

The reason behind this is simple. We really really want to succeed. Writing is a profession. However, unlike most professions, there are no ladders for writers to climb. One doesn’t start off as an assistant to the assistant and strive to make it as the CEO. There are no set rules. And that can be terrifying. Your first book can bring you great success and land you on the New York Times Best Seller List, or it can come and go without making a sound. The trap most of us beginner authors fall in is to take this profession angle too seriously and forget why they decided to sit and pick up a pen in the first place.

Writing is art. To write is to be free.

(hold for dramatic effect)

Step back and let it be art. Let yourself dive into the book. Write, and write some more.

Or, you know, in my case, actually start writing.



“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed”

 -Ernest Hemingway

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